About me




  • 语言有C/C++,Java,PHP,Python,MySQL,HTML,CSS,JavaScript。
  • 语言之上有SSM,Spring Boot,Jeecg Boot,Laravel,Flaskr,Redis,JQuery,Vue。
  • 工具有Eclipse,VS2019,VScode,IDEA,git,Postman,Navicat,Wampserver。
  • 主修课程有Java语言程序设计、JavaWeb程序设计、程序设计基础(C语言)、数据结构与算法、计算机网络、操作系统、编译原理、数据库系统原理、计算机组成原理、线性代数、离散数学、概率论与数理统计、统一建模语言UML、Python应用基础、软件工程、软件测试、移动软件开发。
  • 其他还会Ps,Pr,PPT,Word,Excel,Live2D。



如果你看到了这里,说明咱们还是挺有缘分的!毕竟没几个人看到过。如果你对我感兴趣,给我发个邮件吧~ 邮箱📫:iliweii@email.cn

Li Wei, a rookie programmer.

I love code and programs, and I like to make my own products.

I haven’t graduated from university yet, and I am confident. Internship. I want to do everything at the front and back ends.

-Language has C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
-Above the language there are SSM, Spring Boot, Jeecg Boot, Laravel, Flaskr, Redis, JQuery, Vue.
-Tools include Eclipse, VS2019, VScode, IDEA, git, Postman, Navicat, Wampserver.
-Major courses include Java language programming, JavaWeb programming, programming foundation (C language), data structure and algorithm, computer network, operating system, compilation principle, database system principle, computer composition principle, linear algebra , Discrete Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Unified Modeling Language UML, Basic Python Application, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Mobile Software Development.
-Others also Ps, Pr, PPT, Word, Excel, Live2D.

Looks quite a lot, the goal is not clear, in fact it is very rubbish, everything is very simple.

I like traveling and photography. I also play games at ordinary times.

If you see this, it means that we are quite destined! After all, few people have seen it. If you are interested in me, send me an email~ Email: iliweii@email.cn
